Young Pioneers of ESG (5 Sessions)

Young Pioneers of ESG (5 Sessions)





Young Pioneers of ESG (5 Sessions)

Learning Objectives: To train listening and analytical skills To train students to think and solve problems from multiple perspectives Training in logical thinking and the use of data to support arguments For a more in-depth understanding of the 17 SDGs, specialised SDG courses are available in the future Session 1 What is Environmental Protection? Introduction to Baguio What types of recycling? Introduction to recyclables (paper, plastic, aluminium and glass) Real-life recycling situation Collect plastic bottles and glass bottles at home (try to recycle in person within 2 weeks with Love Recycling) Session 2 Reviewing the experience of recycling in person (Love Recycling Service) Discuss the basic needs for human survival Understanding the concept of sustainable development Sustainable lifestyles Collect information and learn about the ecological footprint and carbon footprint (Brief report in the next class) Session 3 Brief report Ecological Footprint (Hong Kong has the 3rd highest ecological footprint in the Asia-Pacific region and the 14th highest in the world. It takes 4.4 Earth's worth of resources to satisfy the consumption habits of Hong Kong people) Carbon footprint (it takes 34 mature trees 40 years to absorb the carbon dioxide emitted by each person in a lifetime) Hong Kong's biodiversity, threats Nature and Physical and Mental Health Session 4 Green Art Class What students can do to protect the Earth (To-Do List) (Brief report in the next class) Session 5 Brief report What do you want the Earth to look like in 2030? Introduce the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Group discussion (1-2 goals each) Conclusion
iRecycle Baguio


Audience: 6 - 12 YO & Parents

Number of Participants:13 - 15

Price: HKD 2,000 / 5 sessions

Class Mode: Online; Group Class

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese

Course Date: Enroll anytime

Course Time:

Mon - Fri 10:00 - 11:00 / 15:30 - 16:30

Mon, Tue & Fri 10:00 - 11:00 / 11:00 - 12:00

Course Duration: 60 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 5 sessions in total

(plus 1 session of Parent-Child Green Art Class & 12 drop-in sessions of recycling service)

Application Deadline: 3 days before the course commencement


iRecycle Baguio
碧瑤愛回收有限公司為碧瑤綠色集團(1397.HK)的全資子公司。碧瑤綠色集團一直以來致力於締造「綠與淨」的環境。至今,碧瑤已發展成為一間提供專業綜合環境服務,且肩負社會責任的企業,為香港特區政府、公營機構及私營企業提供專業可靠的服務,包括:環衞保潔、資源回收、廢物管理及收集、園藝綠化工程及綜合病害蟲管理等。 我們於2020年4月推出了「iRecycle.愛回收」流動應用程式。「iRecycle.愛回收」是推廣便利回收的獎賞平台,目的是把廢物產生者、收集商、回收商及合作商戶等持份者連繫起來,建立綠色循環經濟。


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