Chinese Writing Course (4 / 8 Sessions)

Chinese Writing Course (4 / 8 Sessions)

South Horizons




Chinese Writing Course (4 / 8 Sessions)

Level 1 (Suitable for P4 - P5 students) Building a foundation in composition and introducing different genres of writing This course focuses on building a foundation in composition skills and developing students' interest in composition. Students will be introduced to the characteristics of different writing styles and will be able to grasp the essentials of various writing styles. The tutor will review the students' essays so that they can understand Students can understand the strengths and weaknesses of their own writing and to enhance their confidence in writing in the short term. Level 2 (Suitable for P6 - S1 students) Further strengthen your writing skills and face new challenges with ease Strengthen students' writing skills. Students will be taught the secrets of writing argumentative and descriptive essays, as well as a variety of writing techniques, such as rhetorical devices, correlative words and sentence structure, so that they can take their writing to the next level and face the challenges of further studies. Level 3 (suitable for S2 - S3 students) The course is closely aligned with the New Academic Structure, and there is no difficulty in improving writing skills The transition to senior secondary school requires more training in observation, thinking and imagination to refine, enrich and organise writing. This course is based on the 3-3-4 academic structure and is designed to address students' weaknesses in writing and to teach them the characteristics of various writing styles. The tutor will review the students' essays and give them clear guidance and explanations to improve their writing skills. The content and sequence may change according to the instructor's decision.
Wise Kids Education Centre


Course information, schedules, and prices are subject to change, please WhatsApp 69195289 for latest information.

課程資料、時間表及價錢可能會有所變動,請WhatsApp 69195289查詢最新詳情。

Audience: P4 - S3 students

Number of Participants: 3 - 4


HKD 1,000 / 4 sessions

HKD 1,920 / 8 sessions

Format: In-Person (South Horizons); Group Class

Language: Cantonese

Course Date: Enroll anytime

Course Time:

(Sat) 15:45 - 17:00 / 19:15 - 20:30

(Sun) anytime within 15:00 - 19:00

Course Duration: 75 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 4 / 8 sessions in total


Wise Kids Education Centre
Ms. Jennifer Siu 曾就讀於本港著名中學 --- 聖保祿學校 (St Paul’s Convent School), 並畢業於美國柏克萊加州大學 (University of California, Berkeley) 擁有多年教學經驗, 一直致力培育精英學生 曾任著名學校導師, 深明不同程度學生的學習困難及弱點 教學循循善誘, 家長及學生有口皆碑


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