Audience: 13 YO+
Number of Participants: 20 - 30
Price: HKD 450 / person
**【ILK Exclusive Offer】Sign up with your friend and save HKD 200!!
Register through ILK Learning to enjoy this special deal: HKD 700 for 2 people (original price: HKD 900)
Format: In-Person (Wan Chai); Group Class
Language: Cantonese / English
Course Date & Time: Please WhatsApp 6919 2589 for details
*To register, please WhatsApp 6919 2589 to confirm the class dates
Course Duration: 120 minutes per session, 1 session in total
Make-up Lesson: Make-up classes will be arranged for adverse weather conditions.
Certificate: Completion certificate will be awarded
*Adverse Weather Arrangements: Classes will be canceled and rescheduled if the Black Rainstorm Warning or Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is issued.
*Must prepare / purchase material: Tablet / laptop
VastTrack is an AI-enabled EdTech platform focused on coaching and career development. We aim to fill the gap left by schools, which primarily provide academic education to students aged 13 and above. Our mission is to equip students with the skills necessary to plan their careers, formulate their mission and vision, choose the right subjects, connect with various internship opportunities, and develop life skills for the future.