Family Kids Yoga (4 sessions)

Family Kids Yoga (4 sessions)

Parent Accompanied
0 reviews
3 years old to 11 years old
Tai Koo


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Family Kids Yoga (4 sessions)

Yoga is for everyone, let the kids explore the mat! Yoga teaches kids confidence, flexibility, strength, and so much more. Classes introduce the basic poses of yoga through games and fun activities and encourage children to work with their breath and mind as well.
Parent Accompanied
WellMind Academy


Audience: 3 - 11 YO & Parents (1 kid + 1 adult)

Number of Participants: 8 max

Price:  HKD 1,680

Format: In-Person (Tai Koo); Group Class

Language: Chinese / English 

Course Date & Time: 
(3 - 6 YO) Sat 14:00 - 15:00
(6 - 11 YO) Sun 11:30 - 12:30

*To register, please WhatsApp 6919 2589 to confirm the class dates.

Course Duration: 60 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 4 sessions in total

Application Deadline: 2 days before the course commencement

Trial Lesson Fee: HKD 380 / session (1 kid + 1 adult) 

Make-up Lesson: No make-up lesson

*Adverse Weather Arrangements: If the No. 8 typhoon signal or black rainstorm warning is hoisted 2 hours before the class starts, the class will be cancelled.

*Must prepare / purchase material: Sportswear

*Terms and Conditions: 

  1. Participants must follow the instructor’s instructions to perform activities and wear safety equipment properly.
  2. If the participant does not attend the event due to personal reasons (including sick leave) on the day of the event, it will be deemed as giving up the right to participate in the event, and no refund will be given.
  3. Photos and videos taken during the event will be used for the company’s records and publicity purposes.
  4. The company reserves the right to modify and terminate this activity at any time. If there are any changes or detailed precautions, the company will notify you.


WellMind Academy
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瑜伽導師SAMANTHA 教授瑜伽超過7年,曾受邀到中小學教授瑜伽,亦曾與韓國國際學校合辦兒童瑜伽班。

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