Teen Dining Etiquette Class - with 4-course Western lunch (1 session)

Teen Dining Etiquette Class - with 4-course Western lunch (1 session)

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Wan Chai
13 years old to 17 years old
Causeway Bay


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Teen Dining Etiquette Class - with 4-course Western lunch (1 session)

For teenagers, understanding and practicing dining etiquette can bring many benefits. It allows us to feel confident in social situations, enhances communication skills, and earns respect while leaving a positive impression during meal times. In this workshop, participants will learn proper Western table manners, understand its importance, and recognize the connection between dining etiquette and personal image. This will prepare them for various social activities in the future. Class Content: 1. Origin and development of Western-style dining etiquette 2. Create a positive first impression at the entrance 3. Dress codes used on different dining occasions 4. Understanding Western menu and Western food culture 5. Basic communication and placing orders with service staff in English 6. Western-style table setting and seating plan 7. Napkin etiquette and manners of using cutlery 8. Posture and communication at the dining table 9. Step-by-step tutorial of 4-course Western meal ( Starter or soup, Main Course, Dessert, coffee and tea ) 10. How to handle the embarrassing situation and end the meal gracefully 11. Engaging in meaningful conversations while dining at social and business occasions
Modern Etiquette


Audience: 13 - 17 YO

Number of Participants: 5 - 8

Price:  HKD 1, 980 / person (Tutorial + 4-course Western style lunch)

Format: In-Person (Wanchai or Causeway Bay); Group Class

Language: English supplemented with Cantonese

Course Date & Time: 26 Jul 2024 12:30 to 3:30 

Course Duration: 180 minutes per session, 1 session in total

Application Deadline: 12 Jul 2024

Advanced Course:  One-on-One Class or small group classe of different etiquette topics

*Adverse Weather Arrangements: If the No. 8 typhoon signal or red rainstorm warning is hoisted 2 hours before the start of class, the class will be rescheduled.


Modern Etiquette
View Profile
Ms. Beatrice Rolland, a Certified Social Etiquette Instructor with an extensive background of more than eight years in the etiquette education industry. Her area of expertise revolves around offering professional etiquette training services to primary, secondary, and college students, as well as companies, private clubs, and charities. Beatrice's expertise is in teaching etiquette to children, teenagers, and business etiquette to young executives in the workplace and aviation service industry. Ms. Peggy Yau is an accomplished etiquette instructor, certified as Elite International Certified Etiquette Professional. She has demonstrated her expertise by serving as the etiquette and catwalk instructor for prestigious events such as the 2019-2020 Miss Asia Pageant and Hong Kong Children's Fashion Week. Ms. Yau has also imparted her knowledge to numerous large institutions, schools, and charitable organizations through her etiquette courses. She is a firm believer in the idea that refining one's posture and communication methods can significantly enhance interpersonal relationships, social skills, and personal confidence, and that etiquette education should start at a young age.

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