Dream Catcher Football Course

Dream Catcher Football Course

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Various Locations
3 years old to 16 years old
Ying Wa College
Jockey Club HKFA Football Training Centre
DC Football Lab Indoor Training Centre ( Kai Tak Cruise Terminal )


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Dream Catcher Football Course

Dream Catcher Football Course provides high-quality football training to football players of all ages. We have introduced training models from advanced football countries such as England and Brazil, into our courses, and specially designed the most suitable classroom content for Hong Kong students. When teaching football players at a relatively young age, lessons focus primarily on developing their interests. For older football players, the course will focus on training their skills. We are connected with professional football clubs in many countries and provide opportunities in Europe and Asia to outstanding football players.
DC Football Lab


Audience: 3 - 16 YO

Number of Participants:
Indoor: 4 - 15 (Teacher-student ratio 1:15)
Outdoor: 15 - 60 (Teacher-student ratio 1:20)

Price: HKD 1,200 / 4 - 5 Sessions (Monthly payment)

Joining mid-course:
HKD 900 / 3 Sessions
HKD 600 / 2 Sessions
HKD 300 / 1 Session

Class Mode: In-Person (Kai Tak - Indoor / Nam Cheong - Outdoor / Tseung Kwan O - Outdoor); Group Class

Medium of Instruction: English / Cantonese 

Course Date: Please WhatsApp 69192589 for details

Course Time:  

Ying Wa College 
Fri 18:45 - 20:15

Tseung Kwan O ( Jockey Club HKFA Football Training Centre )
Sat 16:30 - 18:00

Indoor :
DC Football Lab Indoor Training Centre ( Kai Tak Cruise Terminal )
Sat 10:30 - 12:00 ( 3 - 5 YO ) 
Sat 14:00 - 15:30 ( 6 - 11 YO )

Course Duration: 90 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 4 - 5 sessions in total

Trial Lesson Fee: HKD 300 (Trial fee will be deducted if students join the regular class)


Terms and conditions:

- Player / Parents should complete and sign the enrollment form and return through Google Form or by hand with the payment proof. 
- Training cannot be confirmed until full payment is received. 
- DC Football Lab reserves the right to cancel the training in accordance with the situation.
- No refund of paid training fee for Player / Parents withdrawing from enrolled training.
- All absences should be raised out before payment, training fee may be computed in pro-rata basis for the remaining training. 
- Any notice of absence before the training will not be accepted. 
- In order to avoid the disruption to the training progress, it is not recommended taking leaves unless necessary. In the need of absence, please call for a leave at least one working day before the training. 
- If a player is not feeling well, such as having a fever, please stay at home and call for a leave before the training.
- Once arranged, make-up training shall not be re-scheduled. 
- If a player fails to attend a scheduled make-up training, no further make-up training will be arranged. 

Transfer of training venue 
- In order to avoid the disruption to the training progress, please do not transfer training venue unless necessary.  
- To transfer any remaining training to other training venue or to other players, an administration fee of HKD500 will be applied. 

Photo and video
- DC Football Lab reserves the right to use photos, videos, and / or sound recordings of players for coach training, curriculum, and / or promotional purposes, unless otherwise informed by the parents / guardians in writing. 
- Parents / guardians are only allowed to take photos or videos of their own players and prohibited to take photos, videos or recordings of any other players of DC Football Lab.

Severe weather arrangement 
- All training will be cancelled if the typhoon signal no. 8 or above and black rainstorm warning are in force.
- If the above “Severe Weather Warning” is cancelled before 7:00am or 2:00pm, all training will be resumed 2 hours later.
- All training will proceed as scheduled if typhoon signal no. 1, no. 3, amber or red rainstorm warning is issued.
- Parents / Guardians should decide whether players should attend training according to the weather conditions. 
- Training cancelled for the above reasons will not be made-up or refunded. 

- Training fees are charged for the full period, payable before the first training of each term. For player who enroll half way through the term, training fee may be computed in pro-rata basis for the remaining training. 

Liability waiver
- By enrolling with DC Football Lab, the players do so at their own risk. 
- DC Football Lab, its business operators, employees and coaches shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever arising from personal injury, death or property loss which he / she may suffer during the activities if caused by either his/her own negligence, inadequacies in health and fitness, or by accident.


DC Football Lab
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陳志康先生Cow Sir是我們學校的創辦人之一,他同時亦是香港足球總會的其中一名董事。他擁有亞洲足協A級教練牌照,並曾獲得香港足球明星選舉最佳球員及最佳教練獎。 我們現有的教練團隊是現役香港頂級職業聯賽球員,完全了解各年齡段球員所需,為他們制定具挑戰性且能快速提升能力的訓練內容。

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