青少年劍道暑期班 (6節)

青少年劍道暑期班 (6節)

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Wan Chai
6 years old to 18 years old


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青少年劍道暑期班 (6節)

課程內容及目的: 第⼀部:道場禮儀 展⽰對對⼿和⽼師的尊重 強調謙虛和謹慎的姿態接受勝利或承認失敗,清除個⼈成⾒和私慾 增強⾃我價值感和⾯對挑戰的信⼼,提升社交能⼒ 第⼆部:劍道基本技稽古法 – 基本 1 - 7 式 気劍體⼀致,有效打擊四個部位,得分定義(⾯部、⼩⼿部、胴部、刺喉部位)
Koubukan Kendojo (Hong Kong)


對象:6 - 18 歲


價錢:HKD 900(連竹劍借用)

課堂模式:面授(銅鑼灣 );團體班 

教學語言:廣東話 / 英語 / 日語

課程日期:2024年07月16, 23, 30日;08月06, 13, 20日

課程時間:逢星期二 13:00 - 14:30






Koubukan Kendojo (Hong Kong)
View Profile
Kendo (劍道) 5th Dan Koubukan 弘武館劍道場 副館長 Senate member of HK Kendo Association Coach of Hong Kong kendo Team World Championship 2018 HK Team Leader for 17th world kendo Championship, Incheon, Korea,Teammatch best 16 2015 HK Team Leader for 16th world kendo Championship, Toyko, Japan 2012 HK Team captain for 15th world kendo Championship, Novara, Italy 2009 HK Team captain for for 14th world Kendo Championship, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2003 HK Team Representative for 12thworld Kendo Championship, Glasgow, England HK Local Award 2018 Samsung第六十一屆體育節-香港-澳門-珠江三角洲劍道埠際賽,1st Place 2017 17th Hong Kong Asia Open Kendo Championships, Team match,3rd Place 2010 第12屆大皇杯劍道比賽, Team match, 2nd Place 2009 第11屆大皇杯劍道比賽, Team match, 1st Place 2009 第5屆大中華賽, Team match, 1st Place 2008 第4屆大中華賽,Team match, 1st Place 第1屆大中華賽,Team match,1st place Hong Kong Macau Kendo Tournament, 3rd Dan up individual, 1stplace 1997 42th festival of sports (HK), President Trophy Kendo Competition, Team match 1st place Oversea Award 1997 JCCC Kendo Tournament, 1st and 2nd Dan Individual, 2nd place, Canada 1997 Ontario SR Championships, 1st-2nd Dan Individual, 1st place, Canada 1997 Ontario SR Championships, Team match, 1st place, Canada 1997 UWKC 15th Anniversary Tournament, Team match, 1st place, Canada 1996 Cleveland Kendo Tournament, Team division, 3rd Place, USA

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