【ILK Exclusive Offer】Kids Street Dance (Hip Hop / Jazz Funk / KPOP) (16 sessions)

【ILK Exclusive Offer】Kids Street Dance (Hip Hop / Jazz Funk / KPOP) (16 sessions)

1 review
Various Locations
3 years old to 15 years old
Wong Chuk Hang
Kwun Tong
Causeway Bay


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【ILK Exclusive Offer】Kids Street Dance (Hip Hop / Jazz Funk / KPOP) (16 sessions)

1. 5 - 10 Minutes Warm-Up + Stretching – Helps children to loosen up, improve flexibility, and prepare for the upcoming dance training. 2. 45 - 50 Minutes Choreography Teaching – Learn Hip Hop and Jazz Funk dance moves. The instructor will explain step-by-step, allowing children to gradually master the entire dance routine. 3. 5 Minutes Parent Observation Session – In the final 5 minutes of class, parents can enter to observe their children's learning achievements and witness their progress and confidence.
7n8 Dance


Audience: 3 - 15 YO Kids & Teens

Number of Participants: 6 - 12


**【ILK Exclusive Offer】Special Trial Class & Regular Class Discounts!

  • Half-Price Trial Class: HKD 50 (Original price: HKD 100)
  • Register for 1 term (16 sessions) and save HKD 50 on the total fee: HKD 2,910 / 16 sessions (Original price: HKD 2,960)

    Format:  In-Person (Wong Chuk Hang / Kwun Tong / Causeway Bay); Group classes

    Language: Cantonese / English

    Course Date &  Time:

    Kwun Tong:

    16:30 - 17:30 HIP HOP (7 - 9 YO)

    16:30 - 17:30 JAZZ FUNK (7 - 9 YO)

    16:30 - 17:30 KPOP (4 - 6 YO)
    17:30 - 18:30 KPOP (7 - 9 YO)

    16:30 - 17:30 KPOP (7 - 9 YO)
    17:30 - 18:30 GIRLS HIP HOP (10 - 15 YO)

    11:00 - 12:00 KPOP (4 - 6 YO)
    14:30 - 15:30 KPOP (7 - 10 YO)
    15:30 - 16:30 HIP HOP (6 - 9 YO)
    16:30 - 17:30 KPOP (6 - 9 YO)

    14:00 - 15:00 KIDS BASIC (4 - 6 YO)
    15:00 - 16:00 KPOP (9 - 13 YO)
    16:00 - 17:00 HIP HOP (6 - 9 YO)
    17:00 - 18:00 KPOP (6 - 9 YO)

    Wong Chuk Hang:

    17:00 - 18:00 KIDS BASIC (4 - 6 YO)

    16:30 - 17:30 KIDS BASIC / KPOP (5 - 7 YO)

    16:00 - 17:00 KIDS BASIC (4 - 6 YO)
    17:00 - 18:00 KPOP (7 - 9 YO)
    18:00 - 19:00 JAZZ FUNK (10 - 15 YO)

    Causeway Bay:

    12:00 - 13:00 KIDS BASIC (3 - 5 YO)

    16:00 - 17:00 KPOP (5 - 6 YO)
    17:00 - 18:00 KPOP (7 - 9 YO)

    11:00 - 12:00 KIDS BASIC (3 - 5 YO)
    12:00 - 13:00 KPOP (6 - 8 YO)
    13:00 - 14:00 KPOP (8 - 10 YO)
    14:00 - 15:00 KPOP (11 - 15 YO)

    *To register, please WhatsApp 6919 2589 to confirm your class date.

    Course Duration: 60 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 16 sessions in total

    Trial Lesson Fee: HKD 50

    Make-up Lesson: Classes are deducted on a no-show basis – please notify us 24 hours in advance to avoid deductions.

    Advanced Course: If No. 8 typhoon signal or red rainstorm warning is issued 2 hours before the class starts, the class will be canceled.


    7n8 Dance
    View Profile
    7n8 Dance 兒童及青少年舞蹈教育學院提供各類拍攝、表演及比賽機會。 地點:黃竹坑、觀塘、銅鑼灣 服務內容: Training 比賽班 私人班 MV班 合辦課程 商業表演 在舞蹈的世界,大部份音樂的每個段落也有8個「拍子」。踏入第一個拍子之前,我們會數「5, 6, 7 and 8」,作好舞動的準備。「7 and 8」是每一段舞蹈開始前必經的空間,就像兒童及青少年的學習階段,充滿可能性。7n8 Dance以發展小朋友的可能性為主軸,分享更多舞蹈學習有關的資訊及知識。7n8 Dance 與多間舞室以合作形式,設有恆常班及不定期舞蹈workshop,亦有提供私人班,主力訓練有意參與各大舞蹈賽事和演出的學員。

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