QQ Summer Slime Wonderland x Slimeaholic (4 sessions)

QQ Summer Slime Wonderland x Slimeaholic (4 sessions)

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Kwun Tong
6 years old to 15 years old
Kwun Tong


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QQ Summer Slime Wonderland x Slimeaholic (4 sessions)

Summer has arrived, and it's time to dive into a world of colorful slime with the magical collaboration between QQWonderlands and Slimeaholic! This summer camp will take children on a four-week journey from beginner to advanced levels, learning to create a variety of slimes! Week 1 - Basic Slime Learn how to make classic bubblegum slime, delve into its properties and types. We'll teach you how to skillfully handle these sticky little wonders, turning you into a Slime Master! Week 2 - Summer Cool Faux Water Slime This week, we'll craft dreamy faux water slime! Experience its cool difference from regular slime, master unique crafting techniques, and bring a touch of chill to the hot summer days. Week 3 - Creamy Slime Series Combining smooth cream clay, we'll create a unique slime together. Here, you'll learn how to mix different materials and unleash your creativity! Week 4 - Fluffy Cloud Slime Explore the light and airy Cloud Slime! Learn about the scientific principles behind its creation, master the tricks of making it, and feel the soft clouds in your hands. Parents need not worry about their children being idle; this course allows them to learn new skills during the summer: 1. Cultivate hands-on skills: By DIY various slimes, children get to work hands-on, enhancing their practical abilities. 2. Enhance observation and problem-solving skills: Understanding the material properties and crafting techniques of slime, children need to observe carefully and adapt flexibly, improving their ability to analyze and solve problems. 3. Stimulate creative imagination: Each slime has its unique features and play methods, allowing children to unleash their creativity and design one-of-a-kind creations, fostering creativity. 4. Boost focus and patience: Focusing on the process of making slime trains children's concentration and patience. 5. Promote parent-child interaction: Parents can accompany their children to learn and create together, enhancing communication and interaction between them. Hurry and sign up to embark on your summer slime adventure! Each week's session is filled with creativity and fun, waiting for you to discover and create!


Audience:  6 - 15 YO

Number of Participants: 8 - 15

Price:  HKD 1,000

Format: In-Person (Kwun Tong), Group Class

Language: Cantonese & English

Course Date & Time:
Class 1:
10, 17, 24, 31 Jul 2024 (Wed) 16:00 - 17:30

Class 2:
08, 15, 22, 29 Aug 2024 (Thu) 10:30 - 12:00 

Course Duration: 90 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 4 sessions in total

Application Deadline: 09 Jul 2024 (Class 1) / 07 Aug 2024 (Class 2)

Make-up Lesson: Can be exchanged for another day this week / or exchanged for a regular workshop cash voucher.

*Adverse Weather Arrangements: Will arrange an alternative date for redemption class / or exchange for a regular workshop cash voucher.

*Terms and Conditions: 

  1. Rescheduling Policy
    1. Confirmed bookings can only be rescheduled into another date course of the activity week, or redeem it into a regular workshop cash voucher.
  2. Figure Model Arrangements
    1. The Creamy Workshop Package includes two large models from the glass cabinet. Additional models can be purchased for HKD 50 per model.
    2. Rare models available for purchase at the workshop are priced according to the on-site pricing. Please consult our instructors for accurate pricing.
    3. Small accessories from the pink island cabinet are available for use.
    4. Models and colors can only be used for Creamy Clay creations and cannot be taken away or collected. If interested in purchasing accessories, please inquire with our instructors.
  3. Creamy Clay
    1. Please note that the creamy clay and yarn we use is hand-dyed, and slight color variations may occur. QQWonderland does not accept any disputes regarding color differences. Customers should make their judgments.
    2. Creamy clay is available for use during the workshop. However, customers must complete one color board before opening another tube of creamy clay. A HKD 20 cleaning fee will be charged per tube if excessive waste is observed.
  4. Available Products
    1. Customers can create any provided product. If a product requires an additional purchase (e.g., mirror, bag), the customer must first complete one item before starting another.
  5. Finished Work Collection
    1. After completing the workshop, creations will be left at the store for air drying. Customers can choose to have the items shipped via SF Express or pick them up in person at the Kwun Tong workshop within three days. Unclaimed items will be disposed of after three months without further notice.
    2. As all creations are handcrafted, the store is not responsible for any damage after the items have left the premises. Each customer will receive one AA super glue for repair purposes.
  6. Experienced Instructors
    1. qqcreamyhk workshops are taught by experienced resident instructors. If you require a specific instructor, please inquire with us.
  7. Photos and videos taken during the event will be used for the company's records and promotional purposes.
  8. The company reserves the right to modify or terminate this event at any time. Any changes or detailed notices will be communicated via messages.

QQWonderlands Reserve the full rights of the terms and conditions.


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QQWonderland座落於香港觀塘,營造色彩繽紛、歡樂洋溢的創作環境,致力為熱愛手工藝及創意的兒童提供理想的發揮空間。 中心課程涵蓋多元主題,包括熱門Tufting藝術、奶油膠DIY、鬼口水創作,以及串珠製作和毛毛公仔造型等,透過精心設計的教學,積極激發學員的想像力及創造力。 除夏季特別課程外,中心全年亦設有各類節日和主題工作坊,配合學校假期、周末乃至放學時段,為學員提供豐富的創作體驗。無論個人興趣、親子同樂或學校團體活動,QQWonderland均是理想之選。 QQWonderland致力營造愉快的創作氛圍,希望學員在此盡情發揮創意,留下美好難忘的手作藝術回憶。

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