雙節棍課程 (兒童 / 青少年 / 成人) (4節)

雙節棍課程 (兒童 / 青少年 / 成人) (4節)

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6 years old or above
Lai Chi Kok


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雙節棍課程 (兒童 / 青少年 / 成人) (4節)

讓學生正確認知雙節棍運動,學習技術,注重雙節棍武德培養與精神修煉,透過動作、棍道和連串套路,使學生德藝兼修,學習紀律,提高身體協調,增強體質,使左右腦更靈活,平衡身心。 我們設立雙節棍八級八段考核,讓學生可以跟隨雙節棍考試系統,繼續研習進步。學生每年可參加本地大型雙節棍演出、國際武術節比賽和雙節棍國際比賽,開拓眼界,提升自我。 雙節棍訓練流程: 禮儀(教練員和學員互相敬禮,課前訓示) 熱身和拉筋(5 - 10分鐘) 體能訓練(5 - 10分鐘) 按照訓練流程表作雙節棍基本動作訓練(20分鐘) 雙節棍套路訓練(10 - 20分鐘) 禮儀(教練員和學員互相敬禮,下課)


對象:6 - 11歲(兒童班)/ 12 - 17 歲(青少年班) / 18 歲+ (成人班)


價錢:HKD 1,000 / 4節

年費 HKD 200(一年一次)
會員T-shirt HKD 200
雙節棍棍具 HKD 200


教學語言:廣東話(可輔以普通話 / 英語) 



逢星期六 10:00 - 11:00 / 11:00 - 12:00 / 12:00 - 13:00 / 13:00 - 14:00
逢星期日 09:00 - 10:00 / 10:00 - 11:00

逢星期六 14:00 - 15:00 / 15:00 - 16:00
*逢星期一、三、五可預約,請致電或WhatsApp 69192589查詢

逢星期二 14:00 -15:00/15:00 - 16:00
逢星期四 14:00 - 15:00 / 15:00 - 16:00
逢星期六 16:00 - 17:00 / 17:00 - 18:00 / 18:00 - 19:00

*如欲報名,請WhatsApp 6919 2589確認上課日期

課程時長:每節60分鐘,每星期1 / 2節,共4節

試堂費用:HKD 200(如試堂後報讀恆常班可扣回)

初學半年內可完成雙節棍 level 1 套路及考升級試


View Profile
Founded in 2009 by Lau Man Leung, the first nunchaku-based association in Hong Kong is dedicated to promoting the culture of nunchaku in the territory. Through media, classes and stage performances, we promote the message that nunchaku is legal, safe, correct and healthy to practice. Vision: To reach 10 million people around the world who understand and learn nunchaku. Mission: To promote standardised nunchaku instruction worldwide. Responsibility: To realise all the dreams of nunchaku enthusiasts in the field of nunchaku. Philosophy: To promote the legal, safe, correct and healthy way of learning nunchaku through the organisation of nunchaku standardised courses, cultural transmission and various public performances, and to build a stronger and more mature nunchaku platform! Jerry Lau In 2009, he founded his first Nunchaku Association, and has been teaching and spreading Nunchaku since then, and has performed in various organisations and communities, bringing out a positive and healthy Nunchaku culture. He has also worked hard to promote the art of Nunchaku and is often seen in media interviews and programmes. He has also worked with the Tokyo TV station to produce a programme. Since 2013, he has led his students to compete in Hong Kong and international tournaments, accumulating 100 gold and 20 silver nunchaku awards. He has built a strong and solid foundation for the nunchaku culture in Hong Kong!

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