月亮盆栽工作坊 (1節)

月亮盆栽工作坊 (1節)

0 reviews
Kwun Tong
9 years old to 80 years old


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月亮盆栽工作坊 (1節)

– LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK – 月亮形金屬花盆設計夢幻,富有少女氣息。以簡潔線條勾勒出月亮形狀,中央由永生花及乾花組成花藝品。蘆葦和兔尾草等素材增添飄逸效果,再配以情人草等線條花材增加線條和層次感。最後,亮點在於加入永生玫瑰,瞬間提升美感。非常適合作為家中擺設或開張禮物。 尺寸:28×28厘米 活動時間:自由安排 時長:約2小時
Myosotis Flower


對象:9 - 80 歲

人數:1 - 40 人

價錢:HKD 638 / 人

課堂模式:面授(觀塘);團體班 / 私人班

教學語言:廣東話 / 普通話 

課程日期時間:逢星期一至日及公眾假期 10:00 - 22:00

*如欲報名,請WhatsApp 6919 2589提供上課日期






  • 只限參加者到場,不設他人陪伴
  • 如果參加者少於11歲,請提供確實年齡
  • 由於場地較多利器及其他參加者在場,不可於場地內奔跑或嬉戲
  • 於工作室內需要脫鞋(每天都會吸塵及拖地)
  • 如果擔心衛生問題,請穿襪子


Myosotis Flower
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Myosotis Flower commenced operations in November 2016, initially focusing on the production of dried flower bouquets. In January 2018, the company transitioned from an online shop to a physical store, and also began offering workshops centered around lighting and flowers. Over the past 7 years, Myosotis Flower has collaborated with approximately 250 companies and organizations, including Furla, Grapes & Wine, Christian Louboutin, and Nowe. In the course of these collaborative events, the Myosotis team has been dedicated to imparting the necessary workshop skills to guests and providing explanations of the key highlights and objectives of the workshops. Furthermore, the company has been featured in around 20 media interviews, including TVB, Homita, HK Living, Kowloon East Mushroom Stall, Metro Daily, Commercial Radio, Opener, Ming Pao, Headline Daily, ViuTV, RTHK, and OpenTV.

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