Mom Aromatherapy Essential Oil Application Class

Mom Aromatherapy Essential Oil Application Class

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18 years old or above


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Mom Aromatherapy Essential Oil Application Class

Ms. Annie Tsang


Age: Parents

No. of Participants: Private 1 on 1 (Private class formulation is welcomed)

Price: HKD$1440 / 3 lessons (Included material fee)

Format: Face-to-Face / Zoom Class

Language: English / Chinese

Class Date & Time slot: *For class time and enrolment details, please WhatsApp or call 6919 2589.*

Every Monday – Sunday

10:00 – 17:00

(Have to enroll 2-weeks in prior)

Duration: 90 mins per lesson; 1 lesson per week, 3 in total


Ms. Annie Tsang
View Profile
Ms Annie Tsang 曾燕妮 是一位香薰治療師,致力在香港推廣香薰療法生活化,教導一眾有興趣的人士在日常生活中安全使用精油,用作個人保健、養生及自我情緒管理,近年更專注於小兒芳療推廣,讓照顧者在小孩簡單症狀上安全有效運用芳療保健及提升專注力。 個人資歷: 國際健康總聯合會香薰療法項目主席兼教育部長 英國IFA香薰治療師 Aroma Corner 創辦人 香港漢方芳療課程創辦人 中國芳療瑜珈創辦人 廣州玉梵瑜珈首席芳療顧問 基督教中國佈道會恩恩創意幼稚園校董

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