Baby Connection Progamme (1 to 4 months)

Baby Connection Progamme (1 to 4 months)

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18 years old or above
South Horizon


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Baby Connection Progamme (1 to 4 months)

No instruction manual comes with your baby. Learn how to bond with your child, stimulate their senses, and exercise their muscles and vestibular system to give them a head start on all aspects of cognitive ability, health and mobility.
Kinder U


Course information, schedules, and prices are subject to change, please WhatsApp 69195289 for latest information.

課程資料、時間表及價錢可能會有所變動,請WhatsApp 69195289查詢最新詳情。

Audience: 1 - 4 months

Number of Participants: 6


Weekday Class: HKD 1,992 / 4 sessions (1 class per week); HKD 3,824 / 8 sessions (2 classes per week)

Saturday Class: HKD 2,072 / 4 sessions

*Monthly fee

Format: In-Person (South Horizon); Group Class

Language: English

Course Date & Time: Saturday 15:15 - 16:05

(Weekday class can be arranged upon request. Please Call or WhatsApp 6919 2589 for details )

Course Duration: 50 minutes per session, 1 - 2 sessions per week, 4 / 8 sessions in total

Trial Lesson Fee: HKD 398 (Weekday) / HKD 418 (Saturday)


Kinder U
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關於 Kinder U 我們從經驗得知,0 – 6歲是兒童學習的最佳時期,因為他們能透過敏感的聽覺、視覺、觸覺、味覺和情感等感官去經歷身邊的事物。KinderU 提供的課程能讓兒童在輕鬆愉快的環境下開發幼兒腦部及提供體能發展,讓幼兒在充滿感官刺激的環境下探索不同觸感、聲音和事物。 我們提供的課程是根據著名右腦專家的教學理念設計,課程內容因應兒童在不同階段的發展需要而設定,當中我們更提供最理想的學習環境刺激兒童學習。 我們的教學中心設備完善,具備右腦教學所需的教材如:字卡、多樣化的圖片卡、數學點卡等,它們能幫助發展兒童右腦的構圖、數算、計算能力等。除齊全的教材外,中心亦有多樣化的器材訓練兒童的肌肉發展如:訓練手臂的爬行梯、訓練上半身體能的滾輪、訓練平衡及身體協調的滾球、刺激觸覺的小球等。年紀大一點的兒童可利用其他器材如:呼拉圈、平衡木、各類球體等訓練活動技能。 KinderU 由一個專業的組織所持有及管理,這組織亦同時管理一所幼兒園及一所幼稚園(右思維國際幼兒園暨幼稚園,詳情請參閱該校網址 )。我們也對兒童成長過程中的腦部及體能發展需要有明確清晰的了解。 ABOUT KINDERU Children learn best between the age of 0-6 years when they experience through all their senses – visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory. KinderU offers fun-filled activities promoting early brain and physical development, creating a sensory rich environment of various textures, sounds and objects to stimulate a baby’s senses. Our programmes are based on the philosophies of renowned right brain specialists and designed to provide the ideal education environment by engaging the children in activities that stimulate their brain growth appropriate to their developmental stages. We also thrive to develop the multiple intelligence of children by offering them an innate multiple intelligence assessment. We have all the materials needed for the stimulation of the right brain, i.e. flashcards, pictures and dot cards, that are important for the development of imaging, counting and calculating abilities of the right brain. We also use music, rich colours, and log rolls, tactile balls, vestibular bowls, balance equipment. We also have special age-appropriate vestibular equipment for younger children, designed to build upper body strength and balls designed to practice balance and body control as well as tactile stimulation balls. For older children, we have hoops, balance beams, balls and more to help to develop your child’s motor skills. KinderU is owned and operated by a professional organization that also operates one kindergarten and nursery (Rightmind International Nursery and Kindergarten, please see in Hong Kong. We have a thorough understanding of the mental and physical growth of children.

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