Cambridge Exam Preparation Course - Pre-Starters

Cambridge Exam Preparation Course - Pre-Starters

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2.5 years old to 4 years old


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Cambridge Exam Preparation Course - Pre-Starters

To help PN-K1 kids to prepare for Starters course in a fun and interactive way. Course Benefits: Learn vocabulary for Starters Exam Learn with NET teachers in a fun way Improve reading, listening and speaking skills Get ready for Starters course
Panda English


Course information, schedules, and prices are subject to change, please WhatsApp 69195289 for latest information.

課程資料、時間表及價錢可能會有所變動,請WhatsApp 69195289查詢最新詳情。

Audience: 2.5 - 4 YO

Number of Participants: 2 - 4

Price: HKD 1,390 / 10 sessions (10 sessions for each stage, total 40 sessions to complete the course)

Format: Real-time online; Group Class

Language: English

Course Date & Time:

Class A (Ms Mika): Mon 17:30 - 18:00

Class B (Ms Soo): Wed 20:30 - 21:00

*Please Call or WhatsApp 6919 2589 for details

Course Duration: 30 minutes per session, 1 - 2 sessions per week, 10 sessions in total

Application Deadline: 2 days before the course commencement

Make-up Lesson:

Cancel class arrangement: Classes can be rescheduled if we are informed three days in advance.

Sick leave: Send a Whatsapp to the center 4 hours ahead of the class, doctor cert proof may require.

Advanced Course: Cambridge Exam Preparation Course - Starters (10 sessions)


Panda English
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Panda English 是香港成立的網上英語學習平台(獲政府機構獎項的初創公司),外藉與本地導師均具備豐富的知識與教學經驗。 Build up your English skills online. 隨著全球化及科技的進步,學習不再停留在固有的面授課程,網上教學提供方便的教學環境,使學習不再受地域限制。 學思並重 「學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。」學是思的前題,具備知識並加以思考運用,才能達至最佳的學習成果。有別於一般單向教授,我們著重師生互動,以引導形式啟發學生思考,使學生能舉一反三,主動思考。 Never stop learning, learn with fun. 有學習,就有成長。良師是學生獲取知識的嚮導,通過老師的循循善誘及學生孜孜不倦的學習,英語成績定能得到改善。我們提倡以互動形式教學,使學生更能融入課堂,愉快地學習英語。

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