Badminton Training Course for Kids (Beginner / Advanced Beginner)

Badminton Training Course for Kids (Beginner / Advanced Beginner)

2 reviews
5 years old to 18 years old
Shat Tin


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Badminton Training Course for Kids (Beginner / Advanced Beginner)

The course will teach the following skills: Straight and long shots Wrap-around overheads, dips and kills Backhand and forehand flat push Forehand and backhand catch and kill Backhand punt to the net Backhand Rub Front and backhand hooking at opposite corners Tactical Theory of Singles and Doubles Doubles Rules of Play Rules for Doubles Referees and Linesmen Specialized Footwork Muscular endurance training Active and passive backcourt footwork Continuous sparring of straight diagonal forehand and backhand high balls Straight diagonal backhand lob Variations in the handling of the ball at the net Continuous attacking and defending Backhand draw to the back court Straight and diagonal high balls High hanging and looping routes Strategic serving and receiving Tactical use of singles and doubles Specialized footwork Muscular endurance training Active and passive handling at the back court
Flight Badminton Club


Audience: 5 - 18 YO

Number of Participants: 1 - 2 / 3 - 6

Price: HKD 1,000 / 4 sessions

Class Mode: Face to face (Shatin)

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese / English / Mandarin

Course Date: Call or WhatsApp 69192589 for details

Course Time:

(5 - 9 YO; 1 - 2 pax) Tue 15:00 - 16:00 / Wed 16:00 - 17:00

(5 - 9 YO; 3 - 6 pax) Sat 14:00 - 16:00 / 16:00 - 18:00

(8 - 12 YO; 3 - 6 pax) Sat 14:00 - 16:00 / 16:00 - 18:00

(10 - 14 YO; 1 - 2 pax) Fri 17:00 - 18:00

(10 - 14 YO; 3 - 6 pax) Sat 09:00 - 11:00 / 16:00 - 18:00

(14 - 18 YO; 3 - 6 pax) Sat 11:00 - 13:00

Course Duration: 60 / 120 minutes per session, 1 session per week, 4 sessions in total


Flight Badminton Club
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本會於2001年創辦,至今已有十多年開辦羽毛球訓練班經驗。由數十名學生發展至今累計學生超過三千人,而恆常訓練班也逐漸增至到現時全港多班。 而本會總教練更是區內兩支校隊的領導人,不但多次領導學生奪得個人獎項,更帶領學生團隊四奪大埔及北區學屆冠軍,成績有目共睹。近年本會於香港其他地區大力推廣羽毛球運動,透過定期和有系統的小組式訓練,能讓學員在快樂運動前提下,吸收到正確的羽毛球技術,望能培養更多優秀的羽毛球運動員。另外,本會十分關注學員的全面教育,本會教練會經常與家長溝通,了解每位學員情況,從而在練習上作出適當安排。 在本會的羽毛球訓練班上了軌道後,本會開始向體育用品發展,希望能成為一個全面化的球會。至今,本會在香港與不少體育用品商店有業務聯繫,近年更成功打入內地市場,與國內羽毛球廠商合作,銷售羽毛球體育用品,提供由教學到銷售的一站式服務,是具管理及規模之球會。

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