Spanish Regular Beginner class

Spanish Regular Beginner class

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Online & In-person
6 years old or above


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Spanish Regular Beginner class

FUNCTIONAL CONTENT DELE A1 General information Identify people, places, and objects Describe people, places, objects, and states Compare people, objects, places, situations and actions Express reasons for studying Spanish Refer to current or habitual actions Feedback Express and ask for opinions about someone or something Express and ask for agreement and disagreement Corroborate and deny other people's information (¿No es verdad? ¿Tú crees?) Knowledge and degree of certainty Express knowledge and ignorance Feelings, desires and preferences Express and ask for pleasure Express and ask for satisfaction and desire Express and ask preferences Express and ask for desire and need Petitions Order something in a public establishment Ask for the price of an object Social uses of the language Greet and say goodbye Introducing someone and reacting to being introduced Congratulate and thank Control of oral communication Point out that it is not understood Request a repetition of what was said Verify that what has been said has been understood Spell and request to be spelled Request that something be written Asking for a word or expression that is not known or has been forgotten Ask someone to speak slower or louder. +Grammar contents conformed to DELE A1
Rosa Morisca


Age: 6 - 10 / 11 - Adult


1 on 1 Class

1 Hour Face to Face Class: HKD2000 / 8 Lessons

1.5 Hour Face to Face Class: HKD3040 / 8 Lessons

1 Hour Online Class: HKD1600 / 8 Lessons

1.5 Hour Online Class: HKD2800 / 8 Lessons

Group Class

1 Hour Face to Face Class: HKD1440 / 8 Lessons

1.5 Hour Face to Face Class: HKD2240 / 8 Lessons

1 Hour Online Class: HKD1120 / 8 Lessons

1.5 Hour Online Class: HKD2080 / 8 Lessons

Format: Online / In Person, Group Class / 1 on 1

Language: Cantonese, English, Spanish

Class Date & Time slot:

MON: 19:00 - 20:00

WED: 19:30 - 20:30

Duration: 60 - 90 mins per lesson, once per week, 8 in total


Rosa Morisca
View Profile
RosaMorisca摩爾玫瑰是西班牙文及文化品牌。我們旨在把西班牙的語言、旅遊、品味、美學帶進生活。 成立年分: 2016 目標 懷抱著對西班牙(特別是南部安達路西亞)的熱愛 1. 致力於西班牙文及文化教學 2.建立西班牙文及文化品牌 3.為對西班牙有興趣的朋友建立交流及資訊共享平台 (舉凡旅遊、新聞、美食、藝文、生活、語言) 宗旨: 讓大家學好西班牙語及文化放眼世界 摩爾玫瑰Trista老師 旅居西班牙南部3個多月,又經常造訪西班牙,走訪了南部很多大小城鎮,白色小村落,深愛 Andalucia 安達路西亞的文化! 為了跟當地人交流,學習西班牙語多年。學語言除了追求國際水平試的成績外,更重要是 live the language,Trista 可以帶大家認識西班牙及西語國家文化,更能教你如何用當地用語更接近西班牙當地人的溝通模式。 “用最地道生活化的題材以適合香港學生的系統課程,教授西班牙文及文化。” 教學經驗3 年 現職中華基金會中學西班牙語老師 現職遵理學校西班牙語導師 現職All Master world 西班牙語導師 Musaic Performance Academie 合作夥伴--西班牙語及舞蹈

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