Baby Sleep Well

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Recorded video
2 years old or below


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Baby Sleep Well

Baby Sleep Well sleep program consists of online videos and 3-week one-on-on follow up service. The online video demonstrates sleeping concepts for babies, including principle, environment setting, timetable and sleep learning methodologies suitable for Hong Kong families. All videos can be replayed without time limit, which allows parents to grasp the essential main point whenever needed; During the 3-week one-on-one follow up service, our baby sleep consultants will analyze and monitor children’s progress daily. They will provide adjustments and suggestions for parents regarding children’s improvement on sleep problems. Apart from assisting parents in building quality sleep with their babies, they can also take a good rest.
Baby Sleep Well


Age: 4 to 24 months


4 – 24 months

1 on 1 follow up for 3 weeks $3999

1 on 1 follow up for 3 weeks + home visit $4888

Format: Recorded online videos + phone consultation/home visit

Language: Cantonese

Duration: 1.5 hour

**For the course arrangement, you will receive our notification after registration.


Baby Sleep Well
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致力幫助香港家庭提升睡眠質素 全港唯一國際嬰幼兒睡眠顧問協會會員 Charlotte Ma 我希望幫助父母找出嬰兒睡眠問題的原因,提供可行之入睡方法並制定嬰兒作息時間表,好讓家長能自行協助子女自行入睡,令全家「有覺好瞓」。 很多嬰幼兒從一出世已習慣父母、長輩或姐姐安撫瞓覺。過了初生期,睡眠情況沒有好轉甚至更嚴重。很多父母都為小朋友睡眠問題困擾,要抱着睡、一放落床便喊、要飲奶或埋身才能入睡、多次半夜扎醒、要花很長時間入睡、清晨早起等等問題。睡眠問題不但影響寶寶心情及健康,更會增加父母壓力及影響日常生活。一項英國研究指出,當幼童3歲前沒有養成規律的就寢習慣或在幼兒期沒有固定就寢作息,7歲時的認知表現分數會較低!* 要孩子養成良好的睡眠習慣,便要從小開始規律作息,而且讓孩子學習自行入睡! Baby Sleep Well 的Charlotte Ma 作為第一位居港的廣東話嬰幼兒睡眠顧問深明寶寶及父母的需要,誠意為香港父母推出「嬰幼兒自行入睡計劃」,一對一專人詳細分析寶寶睡眠問題從而輔助父母教導寶寶自行入睡並培養良好的睡眠習慣,讓你和寶寶都能酣睡一覺到天亮,減輕壓力、享受更多與寶寶的喜悅時刻。

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